This picture wasn’t from today - I meant to include it with yesterday’s blog entry, but forgot to do so. It was hanging on the wall in the restaurant where I had dinner with my daughter.
Today was orientation. I got up early this morning with the intention of riding the same route as I did yesterday after breakfast. When I got downstairs though, there were already several people from my group getting breakfast, and we all got to talking. Four of them (Steve, Tanny, Maggie and Barb) already knew each other and were planning to go for a group ride. They were kind enough to invite Mark and me along, and we took them up on it! So instead of repeating yesterday’s route, we ended up going a slightly different route. Since it was a new route, I decided to make another video!
After the ride it was time to get all my electronics fully charged for tomorrow and get myself cleaned up for orientation. Crossroads had prepared a delicious lunch for us, which we enjoyed outside in the hotel courtyard before heading inside for the actual orientation meeting.
Once inside, Paula (one of the two owners of Crossroads) introduced the whole staff to us, went around the room so we could all introduce ourselves to each other, and provided us with a whole bunch of useful and important information. We also got a demo on how to change a tube, complete with some expert pointers to make the process as quick and easy as possible. Anyway, after the meeting was over, it was time to head back to my room to do my laundry from the past few days, get some dinner (In-N-Out Burger - yum!), pack my stuff and get as ready for the morning as I can, and write this post. Anyway, it’s rapidly approaching 9pm and I have an early start planned for tomorrow, so I guess it’s time to wrap this up. I have an exciting day in store for me tomorrow!
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