Thursday, June 13, 2024

Day 39: Wooster, OH to Niles, OH

Distance: 93.20 miles

Elevation gain: 3,597 feet

Avg speed: 14.8 mph

Max speed: 41.7 mph

Moving time: 6:16:46

I learned my lesson from the previous day, and chose to wear my arm and leg warmers rather then braving the cold. Good thing, too, as it was even COLDER this day than the previous day, and I was far more comfortable as a result. 

Unfortunately, I also got a much later start than I would have liked. When we depart in two groups (like we did on THIS morning), I depart with the early group. As I was about to leave my room, however, I realized that I needed to use the bathroom one last time, so I was WAY too late for the early briefing, and a little too early for the late briefing. Oh well, my Garmin hasn’t let me down thus far (at least not catastrophically), so I headed out briefing-less. Also known in some circles as fat, dumb and happy. 

When I ventured out, it was still a little foggy around the hotel. The route began with an immediate climb though, as the hotel was situated on relatively low ground, and I quickly found myself climbing out of the fog. Because of my late start though, I was able to enjoy some of the early views in solitude, lost in my own thoughts, just like I like it!

The ride itself was fairly uneventful until I reached the second SAG stop. It was at THIS point that I learned we would be riding into Niles on a bike path. This was not an unsubstantial part of our route, either - something like 10 of the last 15 miles were on this bike path, away from the cars (except for the areas where we had to cross roads, which were many). 

Once we got into town, we unfortunately had to contend with terrible road surfaces for much of the remainder of the route. Could have been worse though - I did not find myself SHIVERING on this day. 

One of the sights along the way

Early-morning fog

Another of the day’s sights, courtesy of Steve

And, of course, it just would not be a riding day without a video to accompany it:

Well, until next time, enjoy the post and the video!

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Final Thoughts and Reflections

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