It’s getting close. Today is April 1st. My flight to California is on May 2nd. Based on the shipping estimate from BikeFlights, I need to ship my bike no later than April 17th to get it to California in time. (Crossroads said to ship it so it arrives at their bike shop partner no later than April 25th.) So my plan is to get it packed the morning of April 15th and drop it off for shipping. Other than AT MOST 9 more training rides at this point, I plan to spend a good part of this month getting those last few items that I’ll need or want on this trip.
Since Crossroads is giving us a weight limit of 30 pounds for everything they need to transport for us, the first thing I plan to get is a luggage scale. I don’t want any surprises when I get to California that I didn’t pack light enough and need to ship some things back home.
Last week’s newsletter went over bike accessories. It gave me some things to consider:
A cue sheet holder? I have one of those somewhere (I think it’s called Bar Map OTG or something like that.) I love my Garmin, so it would strictly be as a backup. I need to dig that thing up. And if I can’t find it, I need to get another one.
Tweezers? They say you need to carry one for pulling bits of wire and what-not from your tires in the event of a puncture. If you can believe it, I don’t even OWN a tweezer. Sounds like a sensible idea though, so I guess I’ll be buying one.
A top-tube bag. Never had one before, as I’ve always carried everything I needed in my jersey pockets or a zippered compartment of my Camelbak. Still, looks like a good idea. I just need to do some research and get the right one.
White arm coolers. Mandatory for crossing the desert. Along the same lines though, there are LEG coolers as well. Those might be a good idea. I definitely need to give them some thought, especially after checking where I’m at in terms of luggage weight. Also in the spirit of protective gear, they recommend some sort of head beanie for under your helmet. Considering I shave off what little hair I have left on my head, and considering the fact that I get tan lines on my head every year from the vents on my helmet (and I’ll be doing a LOT more riding on this trip than my typical summer), it’s yet ANOTHER piece of equipment to consider!
They also talk about bringing either Hammer Nutrition Endurolytes or Saltstick Caps to prevent cramps. Any of you have any experience using either of these products? I don’t. I’ve only had really bad cramps once, and have been using Nuun Sport tablets ever since. If I use the Nuun Sport on the trip, do I really need to ALSO bring these electrolyte capsules? I’m curious what all of you think, especially if you’ve ever used either of these products.
A bike lock? I have a decent cable lock, but I almost never bring it with me because it’s inconvenient to carry. I generally don’t stop anywhere on my rides, and if I do I either keep my bike in sight or have someone I trust watch it. One product they mentioned though is a Burton retractable cable lock. That looks like it might be more convenient to carry with me. And since they recommend stopping at a store to pick up supplies and food BEFORE getting to the hotel each day, I may want to consider it.
Also in one of the early newsletters, they included a suggested packing list. There are a number of items on that list that I don’t currently have (or typically carry with me). Baby powder? I’ve never used it before, but it might help to keep certain areas more “comfortable” after the day’s ride. Various first aid supplies - could be a good thing to keep in the top-tube bag. Zip-off hiking pants? Might be more light wear than a pair of jeans. A very lightweight toiletry bag? Might be useful for keeping my luggage better organized. Tire boots? Again, sounds like a good idea. Extra spokes? I’ve never broken a spoke before. I guess they’d be cheap insurance though. Looks like I’ve got some shopping to do…. (Another thing I may get is a few more long-life batteries for my GoPro, along with another charger so I can charge six batteries at once. It’s something small and lightweight that I may regret NOT getting at some point.)
Also, I have a bit of a comeback story that my son thought I should share with all of you. Back in October of 2022, during my regular before-work ride, a car coming the opposite direction decided that they needed to turn left NOW and couldn’t wait for me to go past first. (She said she never saw me.) In any event, she turned in front of me so abruptly that I didn’t have enough time to stop or avoid her, and I ended up slamming into the side of her car. Lots of damage to my bike, but perhaps more importantly - two broken ribs and a punctured lung. OUCH! For those of you who have never broken a rib, they HURT! Especially when you have to sneeze! In any event, that sidelined me for a few months. But I’m back, and better than ever!
Anyway, that’s probably more than enough for now. My next post will be on May 2nd, the day I fly out to California. And starting with that day, I’ll be posting daily updates. Pre-ride thoughts the first couple of days. Ride recaps (and links to the YouTube video of the day’s ride) each day. Pictures that I stop to take along the way. Thoughts and reflections on the rest days. And at some point after the conclusion of the trip, I’ll post some post-ride thoughts and reflections. I hope you enjoy my blog and reading about my journey!